Fashion advice we learned from our mom. For Real Simple

For Real Simple. Researching the science-backed benefits of following simple rituals and how they can measurably bring more joy to your life.
Winner of Society of Illustrators

For Real Simple. Exploring the benefits of expressing gratitude: how people who wrote long-form gratitude letters to a loved one reported higher levels of emotional well-being, connectedness, and overall life satisfaction

For The New York TImes year end round-up

For a spread on fashion advice from Mom. For Real Simple

Accessorizing advice from Mom. For Real Simple

For The New York TImes. When the results of a DNA test reveal secrets about the family tree

For Reveal magazine. Winner of Society of Illustrators and American Illustration.

Personal gouache painting
Winner of Society of Illustrators and American Illustration

The New York TImes

For a review of a new poetry collection from Elisa Gabbert that argues the poems treat disaster as banal, since disaster is the constant backdrop of life now

Annual self portrait, winner of Society of Illustrators 2023

For The New York TImes year end round-up

For New York Times Book Review

A piece for Google’s cars in San Francisco that touched on the diversity of all the different neighborhoods and the rainbow of individuals that make up each community

Magazine cover for Companion, about the role of gender in urban design

For Reveal Magazine

Gouache painting for Gallery Nucleus

Campaign for Sephora

For Reveal Magazine

For Reveal Magazine

For The New York TImes. About how nonprofits that purchase land, build homes, and sell them below market rate are giving low-income buyers a chance

For Columbia Magazine. Gold Circle of Excellence Award from the 2023 CASE Awards: Council for Advancement and Support of Education

For The New York TImes

Hand painted mural for Google at their Mountain View campus. Winner of American Illustration

For The New York TImes: About the outdated beliefs which still hold women back in the workplace, and how our recent work-from-home predicament highlights the need—and want—for women to integrate parenting and career work without reprisal.

For O Magazine

Screenprint poster for Facebook

Painting for Spoke Art x Juxtapoz FEMME show

For the New York Times

Hand painted mural highlighting the landmarks at Googleplex

Based on a photograph of my maternal grandmother and great-grandmother

For Billboard’s Women in Music issue about the #metoo movement’s impact on the music industry

A woman realizes her most formative feminist education came from the Nuns at her Catholic school who empowered her. For The New York Times Sunday Review.

Nancy Wake, a British Special Operations Executive agent in WWII who led guerilla resistance troops against the Nazis. For Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls

For The New York Times: about how advisors deal with investors who want to take risks with their money after they're already in retirement.

Full page from Pour Your Heart Out, Penguin Young Readers

Illustration for the FX’s Better Things

Book cover for atmospheric novel set in Paris

Portrait for Fiercely Female 2019 Calendar

For The New York Times

A story of one man's experience growing up gay in Mexico and his struggle with depression.

For The New York Times: Gender dynamics have become much more egalitarian over the past half-century, but certain attitudes may endure when it comes to men, women and money.

For How to Raise a Reader

A veteran's fear and avoidance of falling asleep due to the nightmares that would inevitably come, for Anxy Mag’s Masculinity Issue.

For Pour Your Heart Out, a guided journal by Penguin Young Readers

A gay man talks about his experience feeling stuck growing up closeted in Mexico, and his struggle with depression and anxiety, for Anxy Mag.

For How to Raise a Reader, encouraging reading in teens

A first hand account told by a veteran on depression, PTSD, alcoholism, and masculinity for Anxy’s Masculinity Issue.

For AirBNB Magazine

For AirBNB Magazine

For Myself magazine

For The New Yorker

For Poplar, upscale direct mailer marketing

About abolishing the NDAs that kept victims of sexual harassment quiet. For The Progressive.

For The New York Times about how children are regressing to earlier stages of development (tantrums, accidents, etc) as a stress defense mechanism during this time of coronavirus and social distancing.

Cover illustration of the animal science professor and autism spokesperson for Bravery Magazine

For Playboy: portrait of the infamous “Jane” of Roe vs. Wade

For How to Raise a Reader

For Myself Germany: A story by a trans woman detailing her experience transitioning MtF

Portrait of the abolitionist, suffragist, women’s rights advocate for Eeboo’s Votes for Women puzzle and flashcards celebrating the Suffrage Movement.

For the New York Times

Portrait for Eeboo’s Votes for Women puzzle and flashcards celebrating the Suffrage Movement.

Limited edition print for The People’s Print Shop

Full page from Pour Your Heart Out, Penguin Young Readers.

For the show Represent at CASS Contemporary.

For Represent show at CASS Contemporary.

For The New York TImes

A painting for Paxton Gate’s Hands show

Fashion advice we learned from our mom. For Real Simple
For Real Simple. Researching the science-backed benefits of following simple rituals and how they can measurably bring more joy to your life.
Winner of Society of Illustrators
For Real Simple. Exploring the benefits of expressing gratitude: how people who wrote long-form gratitude letters to a loved one reported higher levels of emotional well-being, connectedness, and overall life satisfaction
For The New York TImes year end round-up
For a spread on fashion advice from Mom. For Real Simple
Accessorizing advice from Mom. For Real Simple
For The New York TImes. When the results of a DNA test reveal secrets about the family tree
For Reveal magazine. Winner of Society of Illustrators and American Illustration.
Personal gouache painting
Winner of Society of Illustrators and American Illustration
The New York TImes
For a review of a new poetry collection from Elisa Gabbert that argues the poems treat disaster as banal, since disaster is the constant backdrop of life now
Annual self portrait, winner of Society of Illustrators 2023
For The New York TImes year end round-up
For New York Times Book Review
A piece for Google’s cars in San Francisco that touched on the diversity of all the different neighborhoods and the rainbow of individuals that make up each community
Magazine cover for Companion, about the role of gender in urban design
For Reveal Magazine
Gouache painting for Gallery Nucleus
Campaign for Sephora
For Reveal Magazine
For Reveal Magazine
For The New York TImes. About how nonprofits that purchase land, build homes, and sell them below market rate are giving low-income buyers a chance
For Columbia Magazine. Gold Circle of Excellence Award from the 2023 CASE Awards: Council for Advancement and Support of Education
For The New York TImes
Hand painted mural for Google at their Mountain View campus. Winner of American Illustration
For The New York TImes: About the outdated beliefs which still hold women back in the workplace, and how our recent work-from-home predicament highlights the need—and want—for women to integrate parenting and career work without reprisal.
For O Magazine
Screenprint poster for Facebook
Painting for Spoke Art x Juxtapoz FEMME show
For the New York Times
Hand painted mural highlighting the landmarks at Googleplex
Based on a photograph of my maternal grandmother and great-grandmother
For Billboard’s Women in Music issue about the #metoo movement’s impact on the music industry
A woman realizes her most formative feminist education came from the Nuns at her Catholic school who empowered her. For The New York Times Sunday Review.
Nancy Wake, a British Special Operations Executive agent in WWII who led guerilla resistance troops against the Nazis. For Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls
For The New York Times: about how advisors deal with investors who want to take risks with their money after they're already in retirement.
Full page from Pour Your Heart Out, Penguin Young Readers
Illustration for the FX’s Better Things
Book cover for atmospheric novel set in Paris
Portrait for Fiercely Female 2019 Calendar
For The New York Times
A story of one man's experience growing up gay in Mexico and his struggle with depression.
For The New York Times: Gender dynamics have become much more egalitarian over the past half-century, but certain attitudes may endure when it comes to men, women and money.
For How to Raise a Reader
A veteran's fear and avoidance of falling asleep due to the nightmares that would inevitably come, for Anxy Mag’s Masculinity Issue.
For Pour Your Heart Out, a guided journal by Penguin Young Readers
A gay man talks about his experience feeling stuck growing up closeted in Mexico, and his struggle with depression and anxiety, for Anxy Mag.
For How to Raise a Reader, encouraging reading in teens
A first hand account told by a veteran on depression, PTSD, alcoholism, and masculinity for Anxy’s Masculinity Issue.
For AirBNB Magazine
For AirBNB Magazine
For Myself magazine
For The New Yorker
For Poplar, upscale direct mailer marketing
About abolishing the NDAs that kept victims of sexual harassment quiet. For The Progressive.
For The New York Times about how children are regressing to earlier stages of development (tantrums, accidents, etc) as a stress defense mechanism during this time of coronavirus and social distancing.
Cover illustration of the animal science professor and autism spokesperson for Bravery Magazine
For Playboy: portrait of the infamous “Jane” of Roe vs. Wade
For How to Raise a Reader
For Myself Germany: A story by a trans woman detailing her experience transitioning MtF
Portrait of the abolitionist, suffragist, women’s rights advocate for Eeboo’s Votes for Women puzzle and flashcards celebrating the Suffrage Movement.
For the New York Times
Portrait for Eeboo’s Votes for Women puzzle and flashcards celebrating the Suffrage Movement.
Limited edition print for The People’s Print Shop
Full page from Pour Your Heart Out, Penguin Young Readers.
For the show Represent at CASS Contemporary.
For Represent show at CASS Contemporary.
For The New York TImes
A painting for Paxton Gate’s Hands show